There is a fully functioning sponsorship tool which rotates ads throughout the platform.  You (your course or event) can sell ad space on the platform for however much you want.  You also have the option to assign an event coordinator to manage the sponsorships for specific events.  GolfScoreBoard.Net charges a small administrative fee per advertiser ($10 per event or $25 for the year).  The difference between what you sell the ad space for and the administrative fee is added revenue for the special event, the golf course, or you. 

Example:  Club Event Annual Sponsors – sell 20 ad spots for all club events for a full season (year) at $150 each.  The administrative fee would be $500 and the additional revenue for the course/club would be $2,500.

Example:  Special Event or Fundraiser – the organization sells 40 ad spots for $50 each for the special event.  The administrative fee would be $400 and the additional revenue for the event would be $1,600.

There is no requirement that you use the sponsorship or advertising function.  However, GolfScoreBoard.Net may still display national and regional advertising on your leaderboard.  This is how we keep the system free for you to use.